Believing in These 3 Face Masks Myths Can Put You at Risk!

You may have heard that putting on face masks is the best way to reduce or limit the spread of COVID-19. And you better follow it whether you are outside to get groceries or seeing friends. Of course, you will get endless choices on face masks for sale. However, unlike anything, this preventive measure comes with a few myths. And believing in those can risk your life to a great extent. Have a look!

What Are the Misconceptions to Stop Believing From Now On?

Different myths about face masks keep circulating among people, and many of those you start accepting while hearing around friends or family. And after much debate on this misinformation, the experts reach a conclusion that may clear your misconceptions about face masks. Such as:

face masks for sale

Myth #1: Not sick means no need to wear a face mask! 

In short, face masks are to prevent the spread of the virus, and the research proves that this preventive measure reduces COVID-19 symptoms. But if you are symptom-free, it doesn’t mean that you can skip wearing face masks. The virus can remain hidden inside you and transmit to others when you speak, shout, cough, or sneeze. The mask can lower the transmission and protect not only others but you, too. 

Myth #2: Cloth masks don't work much to protect against COVID-19!

Well, that depends on which type of cloth masks you have selected. Different tests show that cloth face masks and social distancing can slow the spread by reducing the number of respiratory droplets. But a single-layer mask won’t work here! Look for multiple layered face masks, like those that come with five layers with filtering protection (PM2.5 replaceable filters). 

face masks for sale

Myth #3:Wearing a face mask means no need for social distancing!

Of course, putting on a face mask is the first step to slow the COVID-19 virus spread, but it will work when you maintain the proper social distance. For example:

  • Keep two arms’ length physical distance from other people
  • Try to avoid the crowd, and even if you have to go to such places, keep wearing the face mask
  • Limit the in-person meetings for business

Best online store to purchase face masks

At Grace and August, you can have a fantastic range of face masks for sale. They sell tested and certified PM2.5 replaceable filters while ensuring to meet your entire needs. Head over to to place your order now!
